He is a timelord, maybe, just maybe he is The Timelord, The Doctor, he was , he is, he will always be, the
past, the present, the future, and for a single moment, all is one. A lone Dalek, yet they did not nor will not travel alone,
they are a collective, all are one, a portent, a sign. Mannequins roam London's streets....and somewhere
in time, the year five billion, the Sun is about to expand, and swallow the Earth, but amongst the alien races gathering to
watch on Platform One, a murderer is at work, somewhere in time, the Slitheen are already in the
confines of Number 10 the world edges towards mankind's first Interplanetary war. UNIT is on the alert
Rose: “If you’re an alien, Why do you sound like you’re from
the north?”
The Doctor: “Lots of planets have a north.”


26th March
2nd April
9th April
16th April
23rd April
30th April
7th May
14th May
21st May
10: The Doctor Dances
28th May
4th June
11th June
18th June
Saturdays 7pm BBC 1. Sundays 7pm BBC 3
Tuesdays 8pm CBC Canada
starting April 5th

related internet links
have I said it, am I saying it,
will I say it?
....and you thought
you knew everything,
didn't you?
up to our elbows in
stars, planets
and black holes
where's The Doctor?
a fair question
and one
the CBC attempts to answer